AQA A-Level Economics | Every 25 Mark Essay

Every 25 Mark Essay for AQA A-Level Economics in ONE PLACE

Y13 Microeconomics

Use the extracts and your knowledge of economics to assess whether the benefits outweigh the costs when the Government privatises organisations such as Royal Mail and opens up the market to competition. (June 2017)

Use the extracts and your knowledge of economics to evaluate the policies that government might use to reduce the gender pay gap. (June 2017)

Evaluate the view that government regulation of monopolistically competitive markets is unnecessary, and that polices to encourage competition and prevent the abuse of monopoly power should focus entirely on oligopolies and monopolies. (June 2017)

To what extent can the problem of poverty in the UK be solved through the operation of market forces? Justify your answer. (June 2017)

Evaluate the view that imposing a tax is the most effective government policy for reducing the market failures arising from overconsumption of unhealthy food and drink. (June 2017)

Use the extracts and your knowledge of economics to assess the view that the government should intervene further in the banking sector to promote greater competition. (June 2018)

Use the extracts and your own knowledge of economics to evaluate whether governments should allow markets to respond freely to the opportunities and challenges presented by technological progress, without any state intervention. (June 2018)

Assess the view that regulation is a better policy for dealing with the problem of air pollution than the allocation of property rights or taxation. (June 2018)

Assess the view that, in the UK, the consequences of wealth inequality are more damaging than the consequences of income inequality. (June 2018)

Evaluate the view that a firm making low profits must be inefficiently managed. (June 2018)

Use the extracts and your knowledge of economics to assess the view that the increasing scarcity of sand is a problem best solved by market forces, rather than through government intervention. (June 2019)

Use the extracts and your knowledge of economics to evaluate the case for renationalising railways in the UK. (June 2019)

Using examples to illustrate your answer, assess the usefulness of behavioural economic theory compared to traditional economic policies in helping governments to correct market failures (June 2019)

Discuss the validity of the traditional economic assumption that the main objective of firms is to maximise profits. (June 2019)

Discuss the view that a national minimum wage is beneficial for an economy. (June 2019)

Using the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate policies, if any, that governments in developed countries should pursue to reduce waste and encourage the recycling of waste products. (June 2020)

Using the extracts and your knowledge of economics, assess policies that might be used to improve the provision of social care in the UK. (June 2020)

Discuss whether governments should consider increasing the regulation and taxation of technology firms which have acquired significant global monopoly power. (June 2020)

Evaluate the view that government intervention to reduce inequality will lead to an improvement in economic welfare. (June 2020)

Assess the view that price discrimination is always damaging. (June 2020)

Using the extracts and your knowledge of economics, assess the view that the market structure of the pharmaceutical industry is damaging for consumers. (November 2021)

Using the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate possible government policies to reduce the ethnic pay gap. (November 2021)

Evaluate the view that technological change tends to bring industries closer to the market structure of perfect competition. (November 2021)

Discuss the view that individual economic agents will always act as rational decision makers so as to maximise their utility. (November 2021)

Discuss how the divorce of ownership from control may affect both the conduct and performance of firms. (November 2021)

Assess the view that government intervention in the UK labour market is necessary to protect the interests of people who are working in the gig economy. (June 2022)

Evaluate the view that the supermarket sector is serving customers' interests well. (June 2022)

Assess the view that high-speed Internet connection is a necessity for modern life and should be provided by the government, free of charge, to all households. (June 2022)

Evaluate the view that government failure means that government intervention in markets will rarely lead to an improvement in economic welfare. (June 2022)

Evaluate whether the best way to reduce inequality in disposable income is to reduce differences in pre-tax incomes rather than through taxes and welfare benefits. (June 2022)

Evaluate policies that could be used to reduce the environmental impact of all types of cars. (June 2023)

Evaluate policies that could be used to reduce in-work poverty in the UK. (June 2023)

Assess the view that competition policy is likely to lead to markets becoming less efficient in the long run. (June 2023)

Evaluate the view that labour markets work best when strong monopsony power is balanced by trade union power. (June 2023)

Discuss the view that privatisation is always beneficial because it leads to improvements in efficiency. (June 2023)

Using the data in the extracts and your economic knowledge, assess whether you agree that fixing a maximum price for energy that is sold to households is the best way of dealing with market failure in the UK energy industry? (Specimen)

Using the data in the extracts and your economic knowledge, assess the view that inequality is ‘good for us all.’ (Specimen)

Discuss the view that price discrimination only benefits suppliers, such as Apple. (Specimen)

The Government would like to improve the well-being of the population by encouraging people to adopt a healthy diet. Using your knowledge of both traditional economic theory and behavioural economics, assess alternative policies that the Government might adopt to try to achieve its objective. (Specimen)

Assess the view that a system of road-pricing is the best way to tackle the problem of worsening traffic congestion in the UK. (Specimen)

Y13 Macroeconomics

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the view that greater use of market-based strategies is the best way to improve the economic development of India. (June 2017)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the view that monetary policy is the most effective way of tackling deflation in developed economies such as the UK and Japan (June 2017)

Discuss the view that falling unemployment will inevitably lead to trade-offs with other macroeconomic policy objectives. (June 2017)

Evaluate the measures that might be taken to reduce a deficit on the current account of the UK’s balance of payments. (June 2017)

Evaluate the economic consequences for the UK economy of a significant shift in the burden of taxation from direct taxes to indirect taxes. (June 2017)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, assess the impact of a persistent current account deficit on the macroeconomic performance of the UK economy. (June 2018)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the view that maintaining low interest rates for a sustained period of time may be damaging to the UK’s macroeconomic stability. (June 2018)

Evaluate the view that MNCs play a positive role in the development of LEDCs. (June 2018)

Evaluate whether achieving a budget surplus is a desirable objective of economic policy (June 2018)

Assess the view that falling unemployment will inevitably lead to an improvement in the standard of living for people in the UK. (June 2018)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, assess the view that to improve the living standards of their citizens, governments across the world should prioritise achieving economic growth. (June 2019)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the view that there is a strong case for significant increases in UK income tax rates (June 2019)

Assess the view that a depreciation of the pound against other currencies is likely to improve the UK’s macroeconomic performance. (June 2019)

Evaluate the view that strict rules and regulations on financial markets are essential to help create a more stable economy. (June 2019)

Evaluate the view that inflation is always preferable to deflation. (June 2019)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the view that free market supply-side reforms to labour markets are beneficial to the UK economy. (June 2020)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, assess the view that developing economies, such as Brazil and China, should pursue protectionist policies to achieve greater economic development. (June 2020)

To what extent do you agree that reducing the budget deficit is more important to the UK’s macroeconomic performance than reducing the current account deficit on its balance of payments? Justify your answer. (June 2020)

Evaluate the view that the main objectives of UK government macroeconomic policy can be achieved without conflicting with each other. (June 2020)

Evaluate the costs and benefits for a country of joining a currency union, such as the eurozone. (June 2020)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the view that an increase in a country’s national debt is damaging for its economy (November 2021)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate policies which could be used to boost South Korea’s exports and increase its trade surplus. (November 2021)

Evaluate the possible impact on the cost of living and the standard of living in the UK of a sustained rise in the value of the pound sterling against other currencies, such as the euro and the US dollar. (November 2021)

To what extent do you agree that a fall in savings is beneficial for the UK economy? Justify your answer. (November 2021)

Assess policies which can be used to reduce cyclical instability in the UK. (November 2021)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, assess the view that to improve the living standards of their citizens, African nations should pursue policies to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). (June 2022)

Using the data in the extracts and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the view that achieving a low and stable rate of inflation should be the main economic objective of governments. (June 2022)

Assess the view that floating exchange rates are always better than fixed exchange rates. (June 2022)

Evaluate the view that supply-side improvements in the UK economy can best be achieved through the use of interventionist policies. (June 2022)

Evaluate the view that international trade always benefits nations. (June 2022)

Assess the view that a rise in Ireland's corporation tax rate is likely to have a damaging effect on its macroeconomic performance. (June 2023)

Assess the view that the continued use of Quantitative Easing (QE) is damaging for the UK economy. (June 2023)

Assess the view that increased globalisation has been beneficial for the UK economy. (June 2023)

Evaluate how, in the long-run, governments could try to reconcile conflicts between the various objectives of economic policy. (June 2023)

Evaluate the view that economic growth leads to an improvement in living standards. (June 2023)

Generic Model Essay Paragraphs

Free trade