
Tuition Options

  • One-to-One Private Tuition: £50 per hour
  • Group Lessons (2-4 students): £25 per hour
  • Introductory Lesson: Free

To book your free introductory lesson or ask any questions, contact us at (+44) 0737 8262 000 via phone, text, or WhatsApp.

When reaching out, it’s helpful to mention:

  • Your child's subject and year group
  • Preferred timings for lessons
  • Whether you're interested in one-to-one or group sessions
  • In-person or online lessons

Payment Methods

We offer flexible payment options for your convenience:

  • Bank Transfer
  • Debit or Credit Card
  • Apple Pay
  • PayPal
  • Cash

Please select the payment method that best suits you when booking your lesson.